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Dromintee Primary School, Killeavy

It's Maths Week

13th Oct 2020

We have 3 things we would love you to do in Maths week at home:

  • Talk to your child about Maths to alleviate any fear or nerves attached to this area of learning.
  • Help them to complete their Maths Week Homework using Seesaw or Google classroom.
  • Encourage them to use Mathletics to help support their Mathematical development.

If your child is having problems logging into their Mathletics account at home, please let me know as soon as possible.

On the P1 class page I have uploaded a Bedtime story about Number concepts, called 'Spiderella' by J. Donaldson and Sebastien Braun.  It is an excellent story for early years pupils.

Many thanks and keep safe,

Mrs Mc Ardle